14 Greens For Ghosts & A super green mix for the Health Brigade

Leaf greens and vegetable greens represent an entire food sub- culture in India. There are new ones to be discovered everyday. Saag/shaak/hakk are generic names for greens so you will find them  tagged on to many dishes. Radish greens make a delicious stir fry in North India in winter, methi greens or fenugreek are popular…

“My favourite F… word”

Food is a sensory seduction that beats a Tinder swipe hands down, says writer Priya Mirchandani  as she has the Food Bloggers of India Awards covered for Geeta’s list . There are three ways to my heart. 1. Buy me food. 2. Cook me food. 3. Be food. If your pulse is hard-wired to the clinking of…