Shopper’s Stop : Madrid

Spain has much to offer the discerning traveller and Madrid’s new positioning as the “best shop in the world”  can be put to test on your next visit .Check out Casa Loewe Spain’s iconic luxury brand at Calle Serrano, the street  for luxury high end shopping in Madrid. Designed as a collector’s home where you…

“My favourite F… word”

Food is a sensory seduction that beats a Tinder swipe hands down, says writer Priya Mirchandani  as she has the Food Bloggers of India Awards covered for Geeta’s list . There are three ways to my heart. 1. Buy me food. 2. Cook me food. 3. Be food. If your pulse is hard-wired to the clinking of…

Wrapping your Wanderlust

As many jet setters will testify, a lace edged Maneesha Ruia wrap or shawl is a travel essential. Cobweb light, incredibly warm and stylish, her wraps, scarves and ponchos are made with a mix of fine cashmere and merino, touches of  fur, suede and lace. They are not available easily in India but you can spot them…

‘Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion’ at the V&A

For anyone in the fashion industry, studying fashion design, in the fashion editorial space or fringing it,  visiting this exhibition at the V&A, London  is worth it. Spanish designer Cristobal Balenciaga , known as the couturier’s couturier, created silhouettes that are iconic and familiar today even if you don’t know who he was. The baby doll,…

Fab India: The #Indigo collection

Every year Fab India launches an Indigo collection that sells out. Or at least the best pieces sell out very fast. I personally think everyone should have one indigo dyed fabric in his or her cupboard. If you can get personally to the source even better but if not Fab India’s natural dye collection created with traditional techniques…

Jahnvi Dameron- Nandan,Orhan Pamuk & The Perfume Library

Fragrance creator and curator Jahnvi Dameron -Nandan has a PhD in architecture and a passion for dance, but perfumes are her calling and she distills her creations like contemporary art. Abstractions, conceits, poetry, pain, obsession are all part of The Perfume Library‘s theatre of olfactory memories. “Dance transcends consciousness and perfumes do the same” , she…

#HermesHorseExhibition, #Mumbai

Spent a lovely hour at the Hermes Horse exhibition which celebrates the brand’s long connection with horses as original saddle makers to the french king. You can visit the Hermes museum at Rue Fabourg in Paris but if not a peek into their collection curated by Phillip Dumas is on view at the Mumbai store…

Posh Punk

The punk movement with its anti establishment stance (check Sid Vicious and God save the queen) and its safety pin and spike fashion aesthetic has moved from subversion to inspiration. Fashion has looked to the punk movement each time it needs a spike of danger and 2013’s wonderful exhibition at the Metropolitan museum in New…

Designs from Florence

Her work has been featured in Vogue Accessory, AD, Elle, Vanity Fair/style online and other publications as her soft leather and cut stone designs -neckpieces, cuffs, belts and earrings develop a loyal fan following. I am thrilled to have an interview with Florence based Farnaz Kani on my first blog of 2015 . My inspiration…