Becca : the beauty of Light

At any age and especially in the selfie age , a little  bounce of light on the skin can amp up that dewy fresh look. At my age, my skin has segued gently into the category euphemistically called ‘mature skin’ so any brand offering luminosity which is not a headlight shine is a pleasure to…

Jaipur & Literature once more.. #JLF2017

Just back from the Jaipur LIt fest ..the tenth year of the fest .  I have been there a couple of times earlier. It was as expected incredibly crowded -25 lakh footfalls or some such huge number . But as usual  it was incredibly well managed and superbly coordinated. For me attending Jaipur Bookmark a…

Kochi : Eating and watching the world go by.

I am in Kochi after ten years and it is the same because much of it is protected but it is also different. Snazzier and cooler. Call it the Biennale effect but there is an artsy vibe here- cute little cafes, wine bars, venues opening to the sea, quaint boutique hotels converted from old granaries,…