Wellness Reads

E squared by Pam Grout. Call it ‘ The Secret for Dummies’ or  ‘The Universe Hears you’, as Pam Grout builds upon the belief that if you put it out here it will manifest.  If it doesn’t you obviously self-sabotaged because hey, the universe doesn’t accept responsibility:) I buy the principle -the universe does deliver…

The Vogue Factor : Kirstie Clements

One day, Australia Vogue editor Kirstie Clements walked into the Conference room to be told she was sacked after thirteen years of being editor,Vogue Australia and twenty five years at Conde Nast. She was not allowed to go back to her room but was asked to leave the building by the HR department. . The…

‘Beauty Unleashed’ by Dinyar Workingboxwalla

Everything you wanted to know about skincare but were too confused to ask 🙂 Dinyar Workingboxwalla’s Beauty Unleashed takes skincare seven layers deep as he discusses DNA, RNA, Retinol, hyalauronic acid, Botox and quaint old world home remedies that now have scientific validity. Not all though – I am ok with honey cream hand wash…

Sky Train : Tibetan women on the edge of history by Canyon Sam

Author Canyon Sam is a third generation Chinese American who looks at the Theatre performances and contemporary issues through the lens of Buddhist practice. She has travelled to Tibet, worked in Dharamsala and despite her Chinese heritage worked as a grassroots activist for Tibetan freedom in the eighties and nineties, Her approach is feminist and…

Book Booty : My weekend splurge

Rewarded myself with this booty over the weekend.Haven’t started on any as yet but thought the books sounded interesting. Prajwal Parajuly has written a book of short stories The Gurkha’s daughter on Nepalese and the Nepalese diaspora and it crossed my mind that one rarely hears the Nepali voice in literature so thought it be…

SINDH: Stories From A Vanished Homeland by Saaz Aggarwal

“Unlike the Jews and the Tibetans the Sindhis cast aside their traditions too easily. Unlike the Palestinians they tore themselves away from their ancestral homeland . Somewhat like the gypsy Romani they did not know how many they had lost -because they had not counted in the first place”. Much has been written about the…

Malinche by Laura Esquivel

Malinalli is “the Tongue”, the only one who can translate from the Aztec Neutachl to Spanish. As a member of a native Indian tribe captured by the Aztecs she sides with Spanish colonist Herman Cortes to help destroy the Aztecs led by Montezuma and free her people. She is aware of her power as translator…

Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak

It is thirteenth century Anatolia. Maulana Jallal ud din Rumi is a noted Islamic scholar and pillar of aristocratic society in Konya. He meets Shams of Tabriz a wandering dervish and his life is transformed forever. The friendship ruins his great reputation, it challenges all he has learned and it creates a bitter rift in…

Powder Room: The Untold Story of Indian Fashion by Shefalee Vasudev

Shefalee Vausdev is a well known editor and journalist and her book which tries to map the Indian fashion industry is well written and meticulously researched. The human interest stories are compelling especially the one of Imcha Imachen, the Naga designer and his struggle with bi -polarity, Sheena Sachdev the ‘Darzi aunty’ in Delhi, the…