Seattle- a little peek

Seattle is a fun place to be in – great food, great music, and of course great coffee but if you are short of time forget Pike Place and standing pointlessly in queue at the Original Starbucks or spending an hour in line at the Space Needle.  Instead stop and stare at some cool buildings…

Jaipur & Literature once more.. #JLF2017

Just back from the Jaipur LIt fest ..the tenth year of the fest .  I have been there a couple of times earlier. It was as expected incredibly crowded -25 lakh footfalls or some such huge number . But as usual  it was incredibly well managed and superbly coordinated. For me attending Jaipur Bookmark a…

‘Beauty Unleashed’ by Dinyar Workingboxwalla

Everything you wanted to know about skincare but were too confused to ask 🙂 Dinyar Workingboxwalla’s Beauty Unleashed takes skincare seven layers deep as he discusses DNA, RNA, Retinol, hyalauronic acid, Botox and quaint old world home remedies that now have scientific validity. Not all though – I am ok with honey cream hand wash…