Sea buck thorn – Right here in our backyard

Sea buckthorn berries are up there on the super berry scale along with acai and goji berries, some say they give you even more of immunity building as they have a high concentration of vitamin C, omega 3, 6 ,7 &9 and vitamin E. Sea buckthorn is now available as an oil, as a crush or…


A bunch of delicious smelling and sounding beauty products to discover this month . Granny Gregs popped up on a friend’s Facebook page and looked delicious at first sight.I discovered these natural  balms were created by Bangalore based geneticist Sonia Dhawan. Named after her Scots Grandmother Irene Gregory who taught her about medicinal plants and home remedies, Granny Gregs…

Why oil pulling didn’t do it for me

Oil pulling as you probably know has become very fashionable in recent times. It is another of the “old – new” things I spoke about in my kefir blog. Oil pulling is an ayurvedic prescribed detoxifying ritual. There are others like  jal-neeti ( nasal cleansing ) and virechna ( therapeutic vomiting )  but oil pulling…