Kiss me Honey Honey …

Happy. Sunny. Young. Fresh. That’s Honey for you. Its mood continues in the tradition of Marc Jacob’s superbly successful Dot and Daisy. In design the fun placing of stripes and dots in the packaging take Honey further down the happiness trail set by Dot ( Designed by Japanese designer Sayuri Soji in collaboration with Marc…

Love your Leaves

Kale is a current super food – a leafy vegetable packed with dense nutritional benefits. It has high fibre, cholesterol reducing power, is rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties, is high in iron, has zero fat, is rich in omega 3, Vitamin K, Vitamin A. Yes, it also helps fight cancer. Usually when I…

Freezing eggs- a viable option for working women ?

Apple, Google and Face book have announced that they will bear the full medical costs for women employees who opt for freezing their eggs. What this means is that women now have a choice to defer their biological clock while they concentrate on their careers. Thanks to modern technology you can freeze your eggs in…